Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Site Visit

Today the manager of my program, health education in schools and communities, came to visit my community- observe my classes, offer feedback, and visit with my partners. First she, and the director of my school, observed lessons with my 6th and 8th graders. In both lessons we taught about diabetes. The students were really great, and seemed to understand all of the information. They were really on top of their game (or trying to impress our observers). Next, we went to the health center to talk with my nurse partner and the chief doctor. We talked a lot about our mural project, and got several great suggestions. I'm more excited than ever to get started on this project! Finally, we returned to the school for a feedback session with my project manager, my partner teachers, and the director of the school. My partners and I received some great feedback from our lessons, and my partners told my manager how much they enjoy working with me. She also said that it's clear how much everyone in my village loves me, it felt pretty awesome to know that all of my hard work is paying off. Overall, it was a perfect, wonderful, long day. One of the best compliments I received today was when my project manager said that she saw more smiles in my village than she ever has before. I know that I'm not entirely to blame for the children smiling, but I'd like to think I contributed a bit. Essentially, I fell in love with my partners, my school, the children, and my village in general all over again. Moldova, you continue to amaze me. I'm going to experience some tough days here, but it's all worth it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Graduation Ceremony

Graduation and Homecoming Celebration
Dahnika Sachs

I recently attended a celebration at the school in my village which can be compared to a homecoming- ĂŽntalnirea AbsolvenČ›ilor or Graduates Meeting. 
The celebration was led by the 12th grade class, soon to be graduates, and many people attended including alumni of the school.

Teachers were thanked by their students, and they gave short speeches with advice for the future.

12th graders presented skits about school life.

Alumni participated in several competitions including hair braiding.

And of course, there was dancing.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Graduation and "Homecoming" Celebration

A short video from the Graduation and "Homecoming" celebration that I attended recently at the school in my village, Tipala.

Dahnika Sachs